Fixed Trial For Miguel De Los Santos Convicted While being Innocent Look at the Habeas Corpus and Exitbit Documentation below

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Habeas Corpus and Exitbit Documentation below


—->This is the Habeas Corpus made by Miguel Delossantos showing that the trial was fixed against him.

The Judge and defense counsel permitted the prosecution proceed without Delossantos been accused by the Grant Jury , also without the Grant Jury indictment and without Miguel Delossantos committing any crime . He was arrested and extradited illegally without a valid warrant for his arrest. All the prove are showing in this Habeas Corpus Click Here below


Habeas Corpus

Note: When read the habeas corpus in reference to exhibit letter click the letter reference to the exhibit.

Read the EXHIBIT and the proves of the case

Miguel De Los Santos expose several thing to the attorney…

Miguel De Los Santos a Hispanic male was convicted of a crime he did not commit

In this article we will point out many valid points on how the judge and Lawyers in this case, used illegal methods to convict and innocent man of an alleged crime. Here we will also have the Habeas Corpus and the Exhibits Proving the innocence of this individual that is believed he was sentenced after his innocence was proven because of his native origin ( HISPANIC ).

This Absurd decision Made by the NEW YORK STATE COURT SYSTEM also is believed to be a conspiracy between the Attorney’s and the judge to convict by profiling and not respecting and overseeing the evidence that proved his innocence keeping an innocent man away from his family and children without any compassion. Now ask yourself where are our Human Rights, Why are we considered criminal because of being from a HISPANIC origin, is this really a conspiracy against our LATINO community or what is really happening to our court system.

As you read the Habeas Corpus provided and the Exhibits you will also discover that none of the witnesses accused Miguel De Los Santos of committing any crime, there were no actual evidence and it even gets better, the warrant issued was not even signed by a judge but by an assistant court clerk and it shows in exhibit G.

take a peek.

Now if we take a close look at who issued and signed the warrant it gives you a better Idea of how Corrupt is the New York State COURT SYSTEM.


Coincidence or Corruption Click Here

Here are the Habeas Corpus and the Exhibits of this case that shows how dirty the New York State Court System is.

If you are reading this please share and help free Miguel De Los Santos an Innocent man victim of the unreliable and filthy NEW YORK STATE COURT SYSTEM

Thank you in Advance for the Support..  Click here to enter the forum your signature counts..










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  1. After reading the Habeas Corpus of this case I noticed that Mr. Miguel De los Santos is completely innocent and I support for him to be free.

  2. Unfortunately the concept of having public servants (COPS, JUDGES, ETC) with dignity and willing to served “OBJECTIVELY” is a thing of the past. We (the people) are paying our tax money to get public servants that are willing to honestly “SERVE AND PROTECT” not covers each other’s rear ends while targeting, sentencing and ruining innocent’s lives as in this case. Their pride will not ever allow them to admit their mistake as they all believe somehow that they are incapable of making mistake. As a clinical psychologist having any law enforcement officer admit fault or responsibility is a key element on their behavior process as they think they are perfect. At one point I dare to ask one of them if they take a class in school or the academy that brainwash them into believing they are perfect. In conclusion I hope that Miguel gets justice, I hope that the judicial system does their job appropriately and make the right determination which is to release Miguel de los Santos.

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