His Right Where Violate


“THE INDICTMENT- His Name Was Never Listed”

He was not prosecuted, His right were violated.
Click here to Read the Indictment yourself

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    • Este Juicio fue injusto, la constitucion ofrece un juicio justo y prohibe a los jueces inclinarse a un lado o a otro, su trabajo (el de los jueces) es semejante al de un referi, que bajo juramento solemne se compromenten a hacer cumplir la constitucion dentro de sus limites, yo despues de haber leido este caso me he dado cuenta que la Jueza hizo tres roles : Jueza, Fiscal, y jurado, esto no debe ser asi, ya que este pais es la cabeza del mundo y como tal debe de dar un ejemplo de lo que es justicia.

  1. This trial was unfair, the constitution offers a fair trial and prohibits judges from bowing to one side or another, their work (that of the judges) is similar to that of a referee, who under solemn oath commit to enforce the constitution within of its limits, I after having read this case I have realized that the Judge made three roles: Judge, Prosecutor, and jury, this should not be so, since this country is the head of the world and as such should give an example of what is justice

    • This is a country of liberties, the authorities are supposed to defend the laws, not to break them, Miguel de los Santos has not been given a fair trial, because they have not presented any evidence against him, even though they have condemned him, This system does not work because it does not guarantee impartiality and takes the minority classes to give examples, but following their own laws. we want a fair trial for Miguel de los Santos and thus believe again in American justice.

  2. What happens with our system of justice, what happens, you can not trust in it anymore, just look at the case of Miguel de los Santos to see the legal barbarities that have been committed with him, there is no evidence against him and still condemn him , they must put judges and prosecutors who are impartial and at the same time fair. We want to see justice for Miguel de los Santos

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