Looking closely at the evidence



"What the Lawyer and Judge did was illegal "

They used illegal method to convict him, everything was arrange. More

"THE INDICTMENT - His Name Was Never Listed"

He was not prosecute, His right were violated. More

"Jailed but Innocent"

Take a closer look at the evidence to find-out how un-justice is the court system.   Innocents people are sentence to years in jail without an opportunity to proof their innocence.  Read the documentation and you will find the true about Miguel De Los Santos case. As is was stateded in the NBC news article bellow. "A record-breaking number of people were exonerated in 2015 —freed after serving time in American prisons for crimes they did not commit". Read more at http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/jailed-innocent-record-number-people-exonerated-2015-n510196

Court Minutes

The Court Minutes is a list of various court documents/papers filed under a unique index number assigned to the case by the County Clerk’s Office. Read the Court Minute for this case -To understand the Miguel's court case first we have review the minutes. We will debrief a littler about this case by pointing to some court minutes that we consider important.  Also we will have some discussion about the case in the blog.- what is the court minutes by the Suffolk County Of NY