Susie De Los Santos Asking the Community

Asking the community to support freedom of Miguel De Los Santos. What happened in this case is unacceptable and it is Not what the Law stands for neither is our constitution or democracy.

Please click on exhibit J to review how corruption has taken place in Manhattan Criminal & Supreme Court. How I appear in court calendar without being accused and without any papers or court records. No one knows what happened and the judge stating ” He wants to know Whats going on because there are no papers”.

Click here on exhibit D and exhibit I to review that never proceeded in court against De Los Santos. there was no proceeding, no warrant of arrest, no criminal court papers and no sealed indictment.

Click here on exhibit F to review how court clerk committed a crime directed by district attorney’s office. Flora Duffy Signed a warrant of arrest as Justice Judge of the Supreme court without any proceeding in court and without a Judge Authorization. Click here on exhibit G to review and verify that Flora Duffy was a Court Clerk Not a Judge.

Click here on exhibit B and exhibit K to review how Judge Ruth Pickholz and defense counsel Norman Williams have betrayed the public and undermined our faith in our court. they permitted the prosecutor proceed to trial without a Grand Jury indictment, without accusatory instrument, the voluntary disclosure form (Bill of Particulars) not stating any crime committed by De Los Santos.

Click here on page 9 to review how Judge Ruth Pickholz deceived the jury ,defense counsel the element that the Grand jury would find MR. De Los Santos innocent, she did that even though the prosecutor told her that what she was doing was not right. The judge was not neutral and was directing a verdict for the prosecution.

click here on page 8 paragraph 14 to review that Judge Pickholz usurped the position of the Grand Jury and how the judge sentenced Mr. De Los Santos knowing that she deceived the Jury when De Los Santos innocence was established and the prosecutions theory was out of context, when the prosecutor key witness Wilson Gonzalez totally contradicted prosecutions theory and no evidence was presented at trial.

Thank you for your support.

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